Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
By Mike Darvin.jpg)
There was a time where's a gap happens di dalam relationship antara orang tua dan anak. Whether it is in the form of disharmony , komunikasi yg tidak running well, response yang semakin “dingin” diantara keduanya, or probably there is a love that becomes increasingly tasteless diantara mereka. Entah karena kesibukan masing – masing, or for any reasons, that’s what happened. However, one thing is certain is that there should be somebody for start it .. namun bagi yang hubungannya baik-baik saja, we should be wise to anticipate it and keep work it out with well, just in case “the storm” will come.
Hal inilah yang menjadi basic foundation kenapa kami dari DATE Cipinang menyelenggarakan an event dedicated specifically to our parents, so.. we proudly present : “ a Tribute Nite for Our Beloved Parents “ yang diselanggarakan pada hari Sabtu, 3 Juli 2010 bertempat di J-Zone cafe, Jatiwaringin. Surely, there was another reasons, kenapa acara ini dilakukan. Diantaranya, as a moment where we can showing our love without any mete kepada orang tua kita, juga as a place to pour all our hearts, rasa terimakasih, cinta, kebanggaan, and all the wonderful memories that we've spent with them. Coz, sometimes a huge happiness does not come through great things but through simply things.
There was a time where's a gap happens di dalam relationship antara orang tua dan anak. Whether it is in the form of disharmony , komunikasi yg tidak running well, response yang semakin “dingin” diantara keduanya, or probably there is a love that becomes increasingly tasteless diantara mereka. Entah karena kesibukan masing – masing, or for any reasons, that’s what happened. However, one thing is certain is that there should be somebody for start it .. namun bagi yang hubungannya baik-baik saja, we should be wise to anticipate it and keep work it out with well, just in case “the storm” will come.
Hal inilah yang menjadi basic foundation kenapa kami dari DATE Cipinang menyelenggarakan an event dedicated specifically to our parents, so.. we proudly present : “ a Tribute Nite for Our Beloved Parents “ yang diselanggarakan pada hari Sabtu, 3 Juli 2010 bertempat di J-Zone cafe, Jatiwaringin. Surely, there was another reasons, kenapa acara ini dilakukan. Diantaranya, as a moment where we can showing our love without any mete kepada orang tua kita, juga as a place to pour all our hearts, rasa terimakasih, cinta, kebanggaan, and all the wonderful memories that we've spent with them. Coz, sometimes a huge happiness does not come through great things but through simply things.
Starting from the introduction of "what DATE it is ?" langsung oleh DL terkasih, Safrin Simarmata, diteruskan oleh 2 great woman, Friska dan Novi yang memandu acara layaknya MC kondang. Dan dilanjutkan dengan berbagai acara yang definitely drain tears and “bleeding” tapi positif loh,hihihi. :) baik dari daters yang bicara maupun para orang tua yang mendengarkannya. Although, there was among daters yang mencoba to hold back their tears, but they can not. Dan orang tuapun banyak yang menangis terharu ketika mendengarkan kesaksian dari anaknya ataupun teman-teman anaknya. Everything just happen like that, it's all seems so natural and no one of us yang sedang berakting.. Hadirat Tuhan was so real dan urapanNya pun felt so strong during the event.. God is so real and His love so sweet..
Tiba waktu makan malam bersama yang penuh canda tawa dan sharing satu dengan yang lainnya, sesama orang tua maupun dengan daters yang lain. Kita semua mingle dan nge-blend satu dengan yang lainnya. Guys.., that's was a wonderful night. Acara berlanjut kepada 2 games yang asyik banget, first game untuk mengakrabkan antara orang tua dan anak, the second is untuk sesama orang tua daters. Tidak terasa sudah hampir selesai, now is the time for bagi kenang-kenangan dan sertifikat penghargaan kepada setiap orang tua yang given directly by anaknya tersayang. Sementara menunggu taksi which has been prepared by daters, untuk menghantar dan menjemput setiap orang tua yang tidak membawa kendaraan, maka acara ditutup dengan foto bersama. Finally, praise the Lord and thank HIM for every blessing and grace sehingga acara “PARENTS DAY” dapat terjadi dan berlangsung dengan baik.
Puji Tuhan juga untuk setiap renponse, semangat yang good banget dari setiap orang tua yang hadir maupun yang tidak, juga dari teman-teman date lain. Terimakasih untuk doa, semangat, kerjasama dan all prices dari panitia yang luar biasa. All praise, glory and honor just for Jesus. Nice day.Gb
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
by Holianto
This morning I want to share about the clock of life. While I'm thinking of the Holy Spirit suddenly put something in my heart for my share for all of us.Supposing the same Life is like a clock that is rotating. Maybe today is our position again under (whether it be jobs, careers, finances or anything else too). A time clock continues to believe this life will bring you back round and I ride.Hours of life will always revolve. Hours of life never stops, from damage. So we just stopped at one position only.Keep the spirit & Equipment trust God knows what's best for our lives.
Label: http://holiantosompotan.blogspot.com/2010/05/jam-kehidupan.html

Label: http://holiantosompotan.blogspot.com/2010/05/jam-kehidupan.html
Monday, August 16, 2010
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